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Talents wanted! 一大波招聘岗位来袭!有没有你感兴趣的?附招聘机构名录!




A three-month-long job fair for recruiting overseas talents opened in Beijing recently.

So far 30 employers, including universities, research institutes, and technological innovation enterprises in Beijing, have released more than 200 recruitment positions for foreign talents. 


Check the following list of employers, and apply for job opportunities through the link below!

1、小米科技有限责任公司 Xiaomi Corporation

2、中国商飞北京民用飞机技术研究中心 Beijing Aircraft Technology Research Institute

3、厚海英语 Houhai English

4、太极图形 Taichi Graphics

5、蔚来汽车 NIO

6、北京神州细胞生物技术集团股份公司 Sinocelltech

7、昆仑科技有限公司 Kunlun Tech Co., Ltd.

8、赛纳生物科技有限公司 Cygnus Bioscience Co., Ltd

9、北京科兴生物制品有限公司 SINOVAC

10、北京快手科技有限公司 Kwai

11、北京积水潭医院 Beijing Jishuitan Hospital

12、北京安定医院 Beijing Anding Hospital, Capital Medical University

13、首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院 Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital Medical University 

14、首都医科大学附属北京佑安医院 Beijing Youan Hospital, Capital Medical University

15、北京工业大学 Beijing University of Technology

16、首都经济贸易大学 Capital University of Economics and Business

17、北方工业大学 North China University of Technology

18、北京印刷学院 Beijing Institute Of Graphic Communication

19、北京一零一中学 Beijing 101 Middle/High School International Department

20、中国科学院大学 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS)

21、中央民族大学 Minzu University of China

22、北京交通大学 Beijing Jiaotong University

23、北京第二外国语大学 Beijing International Studies University

24、北京舞蹈学院 Beijing Dance Academy

25、北京城市气象研究院 Institute of Urban Meteorology, CMA, Beijing

26、北京脑科学与类脑研究中心 Chinese Institute for Brain Research, Beijing

27、北京智源人工智能研究院 Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence

28、北京未来城学校 Beijing Futurecity Academy

29、北京市朝阳区力迈学校 Beijing Chaoyang LiMai school

30、北京大华无线电仪器有限责任公司 Beijing Dahua Electronic Instrument Limited Liability Company


The 2nd GT²HR Recruitment Fair for Global Talents is jointly launched by the Beijing Overseas Talents Center (BOTC) and the Beijing Youth Federation, and organized by the International Business Service Corporation under Capital Industrial Investment Co, Ltd. The platform strives to introduce, employ, retain and make good use of outstanding young talent around the world. More employers and work opportunities will be included through a series of activities over the next three months.        


Institutions and companies

can register here


